In this episode, we get to a fundamental truth that is at the heart of the forgiveness journey. While we may sometimes feel powerless, the truth is that we are the architect of our lives. We alone control everything we …
In this episode, we talk about the normal tendency and habits we all have to be inconsistent. We can intend and even commit to do something and then falter in the process. In forgiveness, that is when we try to …
In this episode, we talk about the other side of guilt. That is resentment, anger, rage, and revenge. If you have been harmed, then there is often a desire to have the person who hurt you experience suffering to pay …
In this episode, we talk about a common feeling that often crushes our hearts and impedes our forgiveness of ourselves. When we do things that hurt others we feel bad. If we don’t at that time, later maturity and insight …
In this episode, we talk about glasses. There is a saying that we don’t see the world the way it is, we see it the way we are. That is often recited as an indictment. It is not. It is …
In this episode, we talk about the obvious. Forgiveness is not an event. It starts with a Liberation Event that gives you a glimpse of what is possible and a determination to get it done. Then comes the real work. …
In this episode, we come face to face with the difficulty of this task. It is not trivial and can seem completely overwhelming at times. The pain was real, the wound was deep, and the effects may last a lifetime. …
In this episode, we come face to face with the reality of the choices this process involves. You can’t forgive and cling to the old feelings. If you were the perpetrator of the painful things, you can pretend to forgive …
In this episode, we start on the real work. It is often tempting to dance around the edges of forgiveness. WE might dabble with the idea but resent the depth of the changes. If you are angry at someone else, …
In this episode, we talk about things that can get you started. I called them Liberations events. They almost never come on their own. If they do, it is usually in the form of a Divine Invitation. Something happens, maybe …
In this episode, we talk about the first step in the process of forgiveness. Until you embark on t his wonderful journey, it is only an idea. It can be full of misunderstanding and resentment when you contemplate letting some...
In this episode, we talk about reasons to forgive. No one can make you forgive anyone. This is a sacred choice and sacred responsibility. There are three big reasons it is powerful and beautiful. First, it is liberating. When...
In this episode, we talk about what forgiveness is and what it isn’t. I give a description that will work for our purposes. Forgiveness is not absolution. It is not acting like something didn’t happen. Forgiveness is not putt...
In this episode, we talk about the other side of the coin. Besides receiving hurt as we grow up, we inflict it also. We are unkind, we get angry, we say and do things that hurt others. Sometimes we hurt …
In this episode, we begin an 18-part series on the critical topic of forgiveness. Next to the word love, forgiveness is the most powerful word in the universe. We often misunderstand this word and confuse it with absolution o...
In this episode, Kellan starts this series on forgiveness. So, the first question is who hurt you? It doesn't have to be physical, although Kellan suffered physical abuse as a child. But, Kellan begins with talking about all ...
In this episode, we explore a similar and related idea. Love is an intentional choice to use your spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental resources to lift and bless someone in their highest and best interest. Sometimes we...
n this episode, we follow up on the vocal reiki episode by exploring the sound of love. Whether it is the musical intonation of someone’s name or any other way, what is the sound of love? You have the greatest …
In this episode, we meet an amazing woman who practices vocal reiki. Reiki is an energetic practice to use our natural field to heal the body. Energetic healers are as old as medicine and are viewed positively and negatively ...
In this episode, we talk about our fears around authenticity. It is one thing to encourage people to lean into their divine gifts and be true to their nature. It is quite another to deal with the fear of judgment …
In this episode, we talk about the choices we have regarding authenticity. A favorite phrase I use with clients who are worried about what others think is “It’s OK to be weird.” We are often infected with a debilitating fungu...
In this episode, we are treated to a beautiful soul who has made the phrase “Be Schmaltzy synonymous with love, compassion, and service. We all have a daily choice: Be who we really want to be in the moment or …
In this episode, we discuss how to have a bigger influence on the world around you. Many say, “I want to help people.” Or even bigger, “I want to change the world.” That is wonderful and my mission is to …
In this episode, we talk about a fundamental, and eternal truth. You are awesome. This is not some high-five, drop the balloons awesome, but a deep, truthful statement. You came from somewhere with gifts and talents. You have...