After a good start, you need to stay focused there are always distractions there are always negative people. There are things that go south. Your opportunity is to stay focused to remain on track to stay true to who you are This step is to remind us of that You…
We all move through the day. Step 10 of the framework to seize the day is “move boldly through the day with creative power.“ Boldness is a choice. It doesn’t mean arrogance or being brash. It means to move decisively in the face of uncertainty. You decide if you move…
Regardless of the complexity or completeness of plans, distractions and discouragement occur. Elements outside our control get in the way. Even with all that, the biggest problem we have is the stories in our head. Believing that things won’t work or that we don’t have enough support or cooperation. All…
We Reap What we sow You want results-you do stuff Direct, Consistent, Motivated Action You can create anything you want Love to you KLF/cjb TUA Watch More here the show is "Your Ultimate Life" More Resources Here
We all have Goald Most Never achieve them Why? Competing Commitments We say we want something, but not really. We don't clear the calendar, we give into pressure from others and a million other things If you really create commitments based on your important principles, you can do anything Learning…
There are so many distractions\ TV, Internet, SmartPhones and a million other things clamor for attention from the second we open our eyes... Unless... We arrange our lives otherwise. One key to having a powerful day - every day - is to learn to ignore things that are irrelevent. You…
Do you allow negative interaction or rumination to wreck your life? Do you allow it to even wreck an hour? What if it was possible to transform all that negative energy into light and productivity What if you could allow light to rule whenever unexpected things happen Before you argue,…
I Hate doing that!! Oh crap, I HAFTA go to work There are a thousand ways way demonize obligations. What if you eliminated all your obligations? Impossible No - It's Not Obligation and "hafta" carry seeds of resentment I'd rather be doing something else Listen to learn how to eliminate…
We create our lives one moment at a time We either react or we create We do not control the circumstances around us We ALWAYS control how we think and act in those circumstances Why would you allow anything outside yourself to control who you are being Sort of an…
You are divine. As such you are entitled to receive inspiration and intuition about what is good, loving, and helpful for you and those around you No one is going to make you look for it. Your entitlement depends on looking for that inspiration. It took me a long time…
Sieze the Day-How to Live in Flow and Create Miracles in your life... Bold claim. Just like learning to play tennis, you can learn to access higher powers. We've all felt the divine in one way or another, usually random stuff. What if we could learn to access higher consciousness…
What does it mean to be of service? Is that a thing we go do and then go about our normal lives? It is a mindset where we look at every situation from the grocery store to the doctor's office to each interaction and ask, "How can I bless the…
What would you create today if you could create anything? Why are you not creating that? Can you take the first step to realize your creation - your dream We have unlimited possibilities before us. We can create to lift or destroy. If you sit still for a few minutes…
The most important person we can be is ourselves The most important things we can share are what we learn and know to be true We can seek truth and divine revelation and we must if we are to succeed, but the real power comes when we share freely what…
We have all started something and then given up. Maybe you lose interest Maybe it is not what you thought Often it is because it is hard It might be because you lose faith in yourself. You always get to choose, but staying on the path is the only way…
How do you talk to yourself? For many, that is a difficult question to entertain. The answers all start with excuses about why it is what it is. If there was an audio recording of your internal dialogue, and it played over loudspeakers, with all the inflection and intonation you…
Celebration - an amazing recognition of something wonderful. Sometimes it is the ending of a struggle Sometimes the coming of something highly anticipated I celebrate everything in life. Why? Because I can. Every experience is an opportunity to grow and to learn It is a chance to be more human.…
It is rare that we really know what will happen when we do something Our past will give us an idea, and sometimes a pretty strong probablility But really, everything is an experiment. that is part of the joy of life. Lean into the uncertainty. Love what is possible and…
What does it take to get a victory? Depends on the situation. In a game, the clock runs out and you are ahead In life, you choose what you measure, so you can define victory. If you say "I win when I have my first million" you will have trouble…
What is Service? Service is just an attitude If you hate what you are doing or you feel "obligated" you fill your body with poison Instead, fill your body with joy and love Here are powerful reasons to serve 1. You will live longer - medical fact 2. You will…
Creating Purpose Prosperity and Joy is your birthright Your Gifts are best Used in Service Creating Clarity, Confidence, and Cash is another way to think about serving with your gifts What you measure improves Measuring progress is an essential part of creating Clarity, Confidence, and Cash How you measure different…
Your life can be like a snail or it can be like a rocket ship Probably somewhere in between Some days are slow and struggling and some days seem to go well What control do we have over the trajectory of our growth? What control do we have over our…
We all want stuff We all need some things We spend way too much time moaning about what we don't have Then we blame people and things for not having it. You can have what you want The answer is simple. Start Where You Are Then Keep Going Then You…
We believe what we wish to believe We can believe in possibility or limitation We can believe anything is possible, or we can believe we are disadvantaged. Every day we choose, usually by habit, what we believe, and therefore what we experience. You are powerful, but only always You are…