In this episode, we talk about why joy seems so hard to have regularly. We look forward to things that will make us happy and believe they are few and far between. In truth, you can have joy on demand …
In this episode, we learn about perseverance and resilience. Conner has struggled with an alphabet soup of health challenges and the fact of having them misdiagnosed for 14 years. Allergies and auto-immune complications made ...
In this episode, we learn the meaning of being Big, Bold, and Brave. Clint had a son who earned his pilot’s license at a young age and loved to fly. He was fully in love with life and pursued all …
In this episode, we learn from a woman who is truly unstoppable what I takes to climb the mountain of success. She puts together her passion, which is people and selling, with her life purpose which is being an encourager, …
In this episode, we talk about what is possible for your life. There are rules and expectations. You decide how to work with those boundaries. Gravity is real, yet we have learned to fly. Landing on the moon was a …
In this episode, we talk about authenticity. We used to live in a world that placed a high value on precise conformity. Do this and that and fit in above all else. That is changing and we are embracing diversity …
In this episode, we talk about growth. No matter what we do, there are problems. People and circumstances dump on you. Sometimes intentionally and with cruelty. What will you do with that? I have learned that pain and adversi...
In this episode, we examine what fuels us and what hinders us from creating the Ultimate Life. It all starts with what you believe is possible. Today you are where you are. You have experienced what you know. The question …
In this episode, we meet another powerhouse of change and service. Victoria had a very difficult upbringing, being born to a mom with deep substance issues and suffering huge abuse as a little girl. Yet, she chose not to allo...
In this episode, we talk about the beloved subject of love. We have talked about it before, and we will cover it again a million more times. Love is the creative power of the universe. It is the life force …
In this episode, I talk about the 50 million project. I have committed to helping 50 million people discover and serve with their divine gifts. That means first to understand you really do have gifts and they really matter to...
In this episode, we are treated to another magic ride through determination and grit. Jennifer had a difficult past and terrible abuse in her early years. She struggled with 2 divorces and all the usual baggage that comes fro...
In this episode, we are introduced to a powerhouse who helps us learn how to feel and then to move past the feelings. So often we repress what we feel because we are afraid of it or it is uncomfortable. …
In this episode, we meet another wonderful person who has overcome adversity to create the kind of life she loves every day. When she was young, there was a fire in her house. When she reported it to her dad, …
In this episode, we get to meet Martin who is an example of making the choices needed to live the Ultimate Life. It is easy to settle for what is in front of you. It is easy to blame circumstances …
In this episode, we meet Magic. Yes really and truly magic. That is her name and that is her game. We only live one time and our best life is being as healthy as we can be. We all make …
In this episode, we meet Dave. He is another example of one who is living his ultimate life and adding good to the world through his music. Several years ago, he was gifted through inspiration “Rachel’s Song” which he wrote …
In this episode, we are treated to a story about discipline and success. Jason shares with us a powerful truth you have heard many times. Being is fundamental to every success. What you are doing at any given moment comes …
In this episode, we get a wonderful interview with Michaell. He is a creative and deep thinker who really loves the creative process. The actual in the moment interactions where things are created whole cloth from the minds o...
In this episode, we learn from Liam who has spent many years learning and teaching about how to use our brains more effectively. We have a thinking brain, and we have a feeling brain, and then we have a survival …
In this episode, we get to meet Oliver who lives in Denmark. He is an engineer who felt he became disconnected from how the world really works. Engineering was all the mathematical and physical parts of the world but did …
In this episode, we get a chance to visit with Harrison who believes people have gotten a bit complacent. Harrison has lived a variety of experiences including working as a firefighter and a bartender, where he got a great op...
In this episode, we talk about new beginnings. Everything in the world goes in cycles. The new year is at the start of winter when things are dormant and days are short. Then we look forward to new growth and …
Today, I'm just excited. I typically don't get excited about guests a lot, but today is different. I'm super excited about today's guest because of what she's doing. Today's special guest is Hibby Bartlett. She's going to sha...