In this episode, we talk about limits. The old Eagles song “Take It to the Limit is one of my favorites. It is sad and wistful, yet talks about a desire and perhaps a willingness to take life to the …
In this episode, we talk about growth. What makes one year better than another? Is it the circumstances? We’ve now had two years of CoronaVirus stuff. Does that mean these were two bad years? For some people, these were the …
In this episode, I reference the Broadway song, “This Could Be the Start of Something Big.” Well, is it? This is the new year. At least it is as I record this. But whenever you hear this, it is always …
In this episode, we talk about starting over. I common theme in internet business is the question “If you had to start over today with nothing, what would you do?” That is a useful and interesting question. A broader applicat...
In this episode, we talk about different ways you can serve with your unique perspective, experiences, and love. First, think about who you can serve. That might come to you based on what you have experienced. There is likely...
In this episode, we talk about the unique perspective we each have. We are more alike than different in the largest sense. But beneath that, we are all totally and beautifully unique. The combination of our genetics, the gift...
In this episode, we explore the magic of a world-traveled speaker. Orvel describes his commitment to service and loving those around him. He was a volunteer firefighter as one of many things done to serve the community. It is...
Today on Your Ultimate Life, Kellan talks about the blues, especially around the holidays. For many people, and at one time, Kellan, the holidays were not happy times, in fact, they were very hard. Sadness was the order of th...
Kellan talks about living your ultimate life. What does this mean? Expanding on our topic of the other day regarding holidays, what is important to you? How does the holiday season make you feel? You don't need to think about...
In this episode, we talk about what holidays are. What do they mean in your culture? Why do you even celebrate? Sometimes we get so caught up in the traditional view of what is supposed to be going on we …
In this episode, we dive deeply into the murky realm of self-concept. I say murky, not because it has to be, but because we usually don’t go there. If you were honest, who do you think you really are. Are …
Kellan describes in detail if what we consider traditions are that, or are they chains. For example, people may say... "well, I've always been this way," or, "I've always done it this way." Why would we give ourselves these l...
n this episode, we take a look at traditions that can get in the way of progress. Do you have traditions that are harmful? I used to have a tradition of drinking every day. It was a ritual, and I …
In this episode, we look at the lighter side of traditions. Fun is part of our human experience. What we do for fun hopefully changes and matures over time. When we were younger, perhaps we thought it was fun to …
In this episode, we look at a particular type of tradition. I have developed a long-standing and deep tradition around the morning ritual that I practice. I call it a ritual and not a routine for a reason. Rituals can …
In this episode, we talk about the meaning and power of traditions. I happen to be recording this in December, so some holiday traditions are top of mind. What are the traditions that help or hinder you? Traditions are specia...
In this episode, we talk about what writing can do. When I first wanted to speak or write to serve others, I believed to the core of my soul that I had no story to tell. I stomped out of …
In this episode, we talk about the discipline brought about by writing a book or creating a course from your own experience. Whether you write about gardening or personal development, and whether you create a course a write a...
In this episode, we talk about how publishing has become not only easy but joyful and a huge creator of opportunities. Once upon a time, writing a book was a mysterious art and taken on by only a few hardy …
In this episode, we talk about how to choose. Now that we have decided to get involved to love and support those around us, how do we choose? Rosemary chose a women-owned business because she was supported. What events in …
In this episode,we talk about all the opportunities to do good. There is never a shortage of people or things that want your time, money, and attention. Looking around in your community and in your interests, there are an inf...
In this episode, we hear from a dedicated woman who is on a mission. She is adding good to the world by supporting women-owned businesses. Her long experience and loving heart give her a unique perspective and commitment to c...
In this episode, we follow up from yesterday with the roadmap to success. There comes a time for everyone when we must choose. We either stay in the life of complacency and do what is obvious and easy or we …
In this episode, I talk about the road to change. Yesterday we talked about how we easily lose the innate joy of childhood and the capacity to believe that anything is truly possible. We’re force-fed all kinds of nonsense and...