Sometimes you feel abandoned, alone, and tiny in a massive Universe
Sometimes you can't imagine anyone knows anything about your situation, your feelings, and your needs.
Sometimes it feels like those who could have cared for you don't and everyone cares for everything more than you.
You spend all your time trying to please and do good, yet at the end of the day, nothing matters.
I've been there.
this song was written from there.
Truth is you are never alone and your Creator cares.
Truth is you can always quit, but hanging on is better
Truth is there is always, ALWAYS somewhere to go and someone to talk to.
You are loved,
You matter.
You are infinite
Never quit. never give up. You matter too much.
Love to you,
Here is the song on Spotify
Join me on LA Talk Radio, at 5pm mountain, or 4pm pacific time
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