This podcast episode focuses on the crucial concept of finding your value proposition, emphasizing that everyone has a unique offering derived from their skills, natural gifts, and life experiences. Kellen encourages listeners to overcome limiting beliefs that prevent them from realizing their potential and creating a life filled with purpose, prosperity, and joy. He shares personal insights and stories to illustrate how resilience and the desire to serve can lead to impactful business ventures. By recognizing and combining their individual strengths, listeners can craft a fulfilling career while making a positive difference in the world. Kellen invites everyone to explore their unique offerings and take actionable steps toward building a meaningful and successful life.
Defining and creating an 'ultimate life' is a journey that requires introspection and courage. Kellen opens the dialogue by challenging the audience to consider what their dream life truly entails. Many people express a desire for happiness, money, and freedom without fully understanding what those concepts mean to them personally. Kellen emphasizes that merely stating these desires won't bring about significant change. Instead, he urges listeners to identify and articulate their specific goals and the beliefs that may be hindering their progress. The core message revolves around the idea that belief plays a crucial role in our ability to pursue our dreams, suggesting that many are held back by self-doubt and a lack of clarity about their potential.
As the episode unfolds, Kellen delves into the practicalities of building a business, specifically the importance of finding one's value proposition. He breaks down the components that make up a compelling value proposition: the unique skills, gifts, and life experiences that each individual possesses. Kellen shares personal stories of resilience and growth, illustrating how overcoming adversity can fuel a desire to help others. He encourages listeners to see their struggles not as setbacks but as valuable assets that can drive their purpose and inform their offerings. This perspective fosters a sense of empowerment, positioning listeners to take actionable steps toward realizing their ultimate lives.
The episode culminates with a heartfelt invitation for listeners to engage in a deeper exploration of their unique value propositions. Kellen emphasizes that everyone has something special to offer and encourages them to overcome the barriers of self-limiting beliefs. By framing the conversation around empowerment and actionable insights, he motivates listeners to embrace their unique paths and recognize the infinite possibilities available to them. This episode serves as both a roadmap for personal development and a powerful reminder that creating a fulfilling life is not just about pursuing one's dreams but also about serving others and making a meaningful impact in the world.
Links referenced in this episode:
00:00 - None
00:07 - The Pursuit of Truth
02:54 - Defining Your Ultimate Life
11:15 - The Journey to Service and Business Building
14:28 - Finding Your Unique Value Proposition
25:21 - Finding Your Value Proposition
27:27 - The Invitation to Discover Your Unique Value Proposition
Welcome to the show.
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This is the place for tools, power and real talk, so you can create the life you dream and deserve your ultimate life.
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Your Ultimate Life, the podcast dedicated to only one thing, and that's helping you create the life you want.
Life of purpose, prosperity and joy.
And you know, you define your ultimate life the way you want, and I say that every episode, nearly.
But I wonder, if you do it, have you taken time to define what that life looks like?
And it's super easy to just say, I want more money, I want freedom.
I don't want anybody to have any call in my time.
I want help, you know, I want a good relationship.
I want to be in love, I want to be happy and to say that sort of thing.
And there's nothing wrong with those sentiments, but I can promise you they won't do very much to change the situation you're in.
And that's sad, because you deserve, you deserve to have the ultimate life.
Like, why would you settle for something less?
If you knew.
I want you to think about this for a second.
If you knew that you could have exactly the life you dream, if you did some things, would you go do them?
Of course you would.
And I'm not talking about jumping off a cliff or injuring someone or whatever.
If you knew that you had the controls to create that life, and I use the words purpose, prosperity and joy, but I want you to substitute your own, you know, words.
Often people use freedom or money or time or happy, you know, those kinds of things.
If you knew, if you knew you could have it, would you go get it?
And you say, well, dad, that's a stupid question, Kellen.
Okay, I'm not going to argue with you.
It seems like that, but here's the truth.
You can have it, and yet most people won't go get it.
What is in the way?
Well, in the way is our belief.
You don't believe you can have it.
You believe that it is not possible, that somehow it's not available to you, maybe to somebody, somewhere, it's not available to you.
So foundationally, that's the key question.
How do you change that belief?
Now, I'm not going to talk about that today.
That's not today's episode.
Today is episode three in the work that we're doing, a seven episode series on how to build a business.
And the reason that I did that little preamble and then said, I'm not going to talk about it is changing beliefs is necessary and powerful.
But that's another series and it's key.
The best thing that I can do is to refer you to two books.
One is called the Book of Context.
The Book of Context.
And you've all heard about taking things out of context and how it messes up the meaning of stuff.
As I record this, the presidential election in the United States is a few days old and I live in Canada, but Joy and I are both US Citizens as well as Canadian.
And so we pay attention.
A lot of acrimony, a lot of negative stuff spoken in the weeks and even months prior to that election, a lot of finger pointing and blame.
After the election, a lot of acrimony.
That kind of negative emotion makes it feel impossible to change your beliefs because you believe them so strongly.
You believe them so strongly that you can't consider or conceive about how to change them.
Well, if you knew that a belief wasn't serving you, that it was getting in the way of your success and happiness, would it be worth the effort to change it?
That's so important.
And I use this funny background today because today, the third episode of the Business one is find your value proposition.
This is another thing where belief plays such a pivotal role.
Because I talk to people all the time and one of the things they say is I don't have one.
A value proposition.
I'm not that important.
I don't have that much to offer.
There's nothing that interesting about me.
Nothing, nothing, nothing.
And they continue with this sort of thought that there's nothing that exciting about them.
And so they don't have a value proposition.
And that belief leads them to, I couldn't create something valuable.
I have to settle for where I am, et cetera, et cetera.
Now, you don't have to build a business to live your ultimate life.
You can have a job and choose to be completely satisfied with that job.
Focus all your time, attention and love on those yourself and on those you care for, for, and add good to the world in every way you can.
That is absolutely on the shelf of possibility or in the range of possibility.
However, many of us, myself included, have this yearning to do more.
You know, big percentages, 70 to 90%, depends on the survey.
People don't really like their jobs.
The biggest reason is it's not fulfilling, meaning it doesn't do that deep thing inside of us that makes us feel like we're doing something that matters.
And hence the phrase is, well, I want to do what I want, I wish I could get paid for what I love.
Why can't I just do what I'm really good at and get paid for that?
And the answer is you can.
But most people aren't going to take the effort to go do that.
So if I said you could have a billion dollars by walking 10 miles in this very difficult terrain, you would try to do that because you know what 10 billion dol.
And unless you really believed you were going to die in that terrain, you'd go after it.
And even if you thought you were, you might chance it anyway.
That's because you understand and you believe the value of $10 billion.
This is where belief comes in so powerfully.
Most of you listening don't believe that, that life of purpose, prosperity and joy, absolutely loving your life every day.
You don't believe that's yours.
You don't believe you can create it and you can have it.
It's too hard.
It's for other people and I can't do it.
I used to believe that all the time.
I know most people believe it because when I talk to them about it, the tone and manner.
Yeah, it'd be so nice to have all that, have all the happiness and all the money and, you know, the impact I want to have and make the difference I want to have.
I'd love to do that.
Oh, I'd so love to.
It's sort of a wistful thing and you can just see the wish pouring out of their head and flying into the air and disappearing.
But they're not actually willing to do the work that's required.
Because your ultimate life doesn't come in an Amazon box, doesn't come because somebody gives it to you.
All you have to do is look at all the people who think money solve problems and look at lottery winners.
They get a million or 10 million or 100 million.
Wasn't there a lottery not too long ago that was nearly a billion dollars or something, I don't know, but a bunch, a hundred million anyway.
I know, I've seen.
And when they get it, either as a lump or these huge payments, it's all gone, usually within two to five years.
And they're worse off and they're broken and they're miserable.
So just a big inheritance happens.
The same thing.
Trust fund babies, same thing.
Now that's a broad brush.
And I understand there are exceptions, but 90 plus percent of people fall in that box.
And you might say to yourself, yeah, but I'd be different if I won the lottery or Some of my inherited $10 million from a relative or whatever, I'd be different.
If you don't have the courage and will to create your ultimate life now, you won't know what to do if it was handed to you on a silver platter.
You can get pissed at me for saying that, but I see it all the time and statistics bear that out.
So instead of arguing about that and wasting time there, let's talk about what to do about it.
Well, one of the things that goes into this whole build a business thing, and the reason I'm doing these seven episodes, is one of the ways people think that they can create purpose, prosperity and joy, is to build a business, a purpose driven business, offer products and services that are usually from their own life experience or family members or something.
You know, they've had a close friend or family or themselves that have gone through this and that kind of struggle, death, addictions, financial reversals, war, abuse, negative divorces, narcissism, just the whole list of trials that are common.
And then they have been resilient enough to get the help, have courage, stand up again when knocked down, and just move through it.
And in that process of moving through it, inevitably the feeling comes, wow.
I want to share.
I want to help people who are struggling similarly, to know they're not alone, to know there's a way through, and then to help them with the things I've discovered that might help them.
That is universal.
I hear it over and over again.
Every single guest I have on this show, every guest I have on LA Talk radio, and nearly everyone that I talk to who's not a guest has a story that sounds a lot like that.
The words are different, the events are different, the challenges they overcame are different.
But the yearning to serve with the learning, ooh, the yearning to serve with the learning is the same.
And so that means, how do I do that?
And the answer is often start a business of some kind, a consulting business, write a book, become a speaker, right?
Volunteer if you choose to.
And those are all valid and powerful ways.
And we need to eat, take care of rent and house of our head and family if we have them, elders, if we're taking care of an elderly parent or uncle or something.
All of those things are also all part of life.
And so inevitably, our desire to serve gets conflated with the need to earn cash, to have resources.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
It's normal when you have a monster mission like mine, and maybe you have a bigger one, I don't Know, my mission this year is to reach 300 million people to help you create wealth and impact doing exactly what you love, what you've learned, using your skills, your divine gifts, your life experience, your battles, the resilience to use those things to craft that feeling, that thing that yearns at your heart that makes the impact that helps those people you want to help.
I got a friend who is a cancer survivor, decades in cancer, out mortality, death.
Prescription was pronounced on him a bunch of times, still alive.
And his goal is to help people guess what with cancer.
And he wants to create products and service and speak and do things that help with that.
Of course he does.
And of course you do.
So that's why I'm doing this seven part series on building a business.
Because if you don't know how to build a business, then what happens is we end up needing to keep a job of some kind.
And there's nothing wrong with that, as I said, but it certainly limits both the time and the money that we have to spread the message and share the wisdom and things that we've learned.
So example, I struggled for decades with depression, addiction, suicide attempts, and you've heard all the stories on earlier episodes.
And if you haven't read the book Tightrope of Depression, My journey from darkness, despair and death to light, love and life, Go get it right now.
Read that book and you'll read my journey through the depths of hell.
Suicide attempts, addictions, failed relationships and everything else coming out the other side, making conscious choices, doing the work, getting the help that I need and creating that resilience from that journey.
And the turning point in 2007, I said, okay, I'm going to be of assistance to others.
I didn't say that right away.
I had to make some progress on my own growth first.
But as I did, it became obvious to me, damn, I can help a lot of people with this journey and I want to.
I have a yearning to.
Seems like we're built to love and serve.
So then I said, all right, so I need to get, I either am going to get a job because I still have to eat and then do this on the side in the community, in the church and do some volunteer work.
There's nothing wrong with that, but I won't reach that many people or I can create a business out of writing books, speaking, coaching and being of service with what I have learned and then be able to do a lot more, a lot bigger, reach more people.
And that's why I've got now to a mission of 300 million.
I don't care what the size of your mission is.
A hundred or one hundred million or a billion.
I talked to somebody the other day who said their mission was to affect a billion people.
Now, they didn't have a timeframe, but overall, they wanted to impact a billion people.
That's a lot.
But I know they could do it, but only if they walk the road that goes there.
Building a business is often part of it.
So all of this is not preamble.
It talks about the essential ingredient in a business.
The title today, and I'm only finally getting to it halfway through, is find your value proposition.
Find your value proposition.
Now, yesterday or last episode, was developing a growth mindset.
Because again, and if you haven't listened to that, do.
One of the things that keeps people, me, you, all of us, from creating that business and serving the people we could, making the impact in income that's available to you is we don't believe in ourselves.
We have a fixed mindset.
This is all I'm able to do.
Developing a growth mindset recognizes the truth of your infinite capability, but that it doesn't come in a box.
You gotta do some work.
So that was developing a growth mindset.
Now, I mentioned two books, and I mentioned one of them, the book of context, about changing our deep beliefs, which is necessary both to develop a growth mindset and find your value proposition.
The other book is called living with purpose and power.
And of course, the word purpose is a clue that that's a key, essential part of creating the life of purpose, prosperity, and joy.
So here we are.
We have a desire to create a business.
It is to be a business.
Not selling widgets, but based on our life experience, based on the resilience and skills that we've developed, overcoming our own challenges or being part of as a friend or family member or lover or partner of someone who had massive challenges.
And we were an integral part.
And so we saw this thing, and then we're struck with this urge to help.
Got a client right now that helps people start nonprofits.
He's driven by the mission to help people who have nonprofit visions and desires to share and better the world.
So that's his mission.
There's all kinds of things you can have.
So this episode today is specifically after you've done those things, you're working on, your mindset, your growth mindset, then you say, I need to know what I have to sell that's valuable.
We have the yearning.
We know we have a bunch of experience that says, you know, I could Help people with that.
And you're right, but we don't really know how to language it.
We don't know how to describe it.
And then we're struck with the fear of not good enough and nobody would listen.
And that book's already been written and those products are in abundance.
What difference will mine wake make?
I don't know how to market, et cetera, et cetera.
I hate selling all of that crap.
That has to be overcome.
If you're going to have your unique person, your unique personhood, unique develop, unique developmental story.
If you're going to do good with that, you got to sell it.
You got to sell it and sell it like crazy from a place of love and service, not from a place of greed and fear, or you're dead before you start.
So here is the truth about your value proposition.
You have one.
You have something unique and powerful that is yours and yours alone.
That comes from your unique personhood, your DNA, your spiritual DNA, the life experiences that you have had, the gifts that you were blessed with when you came here, and the skills that you've learned along the way.
Maybe you went to college and became an accountant or a trade school and became a mechanic.
Maybe you're an artist or a, you know, symphony conductor.
It doesn't matter.
You have learned a set of skills.
You have sold them in the marketplace to make money.
Wouldn't it be nice to take those skills and amplify their value so you could get paid a lot more and do a lot more good in the world than taking that skill and being a cog in someone else's business?
So let's start there.
You have a set of skills.
Do you have a list of all the skills that you have developed that you have maybe sold in the marketplace or that you could.
That's your starting point.
The second ingredient that most people don't tap into and is essential in amping the value of your skill is your natural gifts.
Maybe you're a good listener.
Maybe you're just very empathetic.
Maybe you can understand people better than others.
Maybe you get insights quickly.
Maybe you're a gigantic big picture thinker and you see connections and things quickly.
Maybe you're a little picture thinker and you get love, being down in the weeds.
And you can ferret out that bank statement to the last penny if you're doing reconciliations.
Or maybe you can see the problem and just get right down there and fix it.
Okay, so you have a set of gifts.
We tend to downplay those because stuff that's easy for us comes naturally, so we ignore them or we think they're not valuable.
Can you imagine the benefit of taking the skills that you've learned and combining it, amplifying it, augmenting it with the natural gifts you have?
Think about that.
An obvious example is a therapist goes to school X years, gets certificates and degrees, and they are skilled.
They've learned the skill of using therapeutic methods to help someone.
Maybe one of their natural gifts, and it might be this, because maybe that's why they became a therapist, is they listen well.
And not only do they listen well, but they make someone feel safe in speaking.
They make someone plumb the depths of their honesty and talk about stuff deep and powerfully.
Maybe that's a natural gift they have.
Now, if they're a therapist and just go by the book, they're going to have a certain amount of value.
If they combine that intentionally with the skill they have of deep insight, powerful listening, and the ability to read between the lines, their value and skill as a therapist just went up by 10.
And so a therapist who charges in Canada, I think it's $190 for an hour session or something like that, or kind of the standard rates.
I might be wrong, but I think it's something like that.
It would be worth five times that, $1,000 an hour if you were able to combine your deep listening and then serve from that point of view.
Now you might need to change the approach to business because if you just say I'm a therapist, then everybody's going to expect you to be at that rate.
If you, if you reimagine that and you become a facilitator or a coach using the skills of therapy that you've learned, your deep listening, natural gifts that you hone and develop, maybe you have a natural gift of love too, like you really care about people.
And those might have been the reasons you studied therapy to start with, or it might have been a dysfunctional family or might have been a lot of reasons.
But if you combine those, you can see how quickly the value proposition of your skills doubles, triples, quadruples.
You do have a challenge of figuring out how to market and how to get people to understand that and so forth.
But once somebody's in your presence and they experience your version of help with your powerful listening and reflection and someone else's that is more mechanical, they're going to come back to you every time.
And so your calendar is going to get full, full, full, because people feel different with you and that will allow you to raise your rates.
It may allow you to decide you're going to become something else, something more.
I know a lot of therapists that then become coaches because they've developed the therapy skills and tools and they know they can do more good, serve more powerfully as a coach.
So that's sometimes a transition, and it allows you to charge whatever you want.
The third element that you have is you have your life experience.
I mentioned that.
I know some therapists that have become that because their family was dysfunctional.
They saw divorces or addictions or alcoholism or something in their own families, and it drove them to a place of yearning to solve and then to serve, solve them their own problems because of the scars left on them because of their experiences.
And instead of being beat down and blown up and end, you know, just operating from a place of mediocrity and brokenness, they elected to get through it, be resilient, to study, and be of service.
That set of life experiences even further amplifies.
So what I know from my own experience is my journey through the valley of death and addictions and rehab and failed relationships.
And everything has given me that set of experiences, has given me patience, insight, energy, encouragement, and the ability to encourage others that I would never have been able to get any other way except through the swamps that I've walked.
You undoubtedly have that same skill.
So let's go back to our therapist who had a dysfunctional family.
They learned the skill of therapy.
Maybe they have the gift of deep listening and empathy.
The dysfunctional stuff, whatever it was that happened to them, give them a perspective and patience and insight into the human condition that no amount of teaching, no amount of education would give them.
And their ability to listen doesn't do that either.
So when you combine the three things, your skills, your gifts, and your life experience, if you'll do the work, you can find an offering that will be both the most fulfilling for you.
You'll love every day, you'll love your people, you'll love what you do.
You'll get paid really handsomely, and you'll have the opportunity to make a massive impact in the world.
That's exactly what has happened to me.
That is the path that I have walked.
I'm not a therapist.
I had a career in energy and executive stuff, A lot of success there.
But I had a broken life, struggled with depression.
I have many natural gifts like you do.
I don't have any more than you, maybe less.
But I have combined my life experience, my skills and my gifts into a offering as A coach as an alchemist to do magic, combine science and magic to make people's impossible dreams come true.
And that's true.
And I do it and my clients love it.
And I have more fun than I ever did in my whole life in doing this.
And I live that ultimate life.
So I know it's possible for you.
That is the Today is about finding your value proposition.
And there's one last piece that I want to talk about that's critical.
So if you go through that work and find do the triple helix work, skills, gifts and life experience, you find what I call your me o most effective offering.
The last piece when you're looking for your value proposition is how are you going to dimensionalize this?
And dimensionalize just means make it into a thing that somebody can understand and see and buy.
Like, you're already going to be a powerful person.
So just meeting someone casually or randomly and listening to them, they're going to get a sense and taste of your presence, your power, your love, your capability.
They're going to feel that.
But that isn't conducive to building a business.
So if someone says, man, I'd like to talk to you a lot, do you do this like professionally or something?
Or how do you do that?
Well, I don't know.
Yeah, you know, we can talk again.
And then you have the give away too much free and you're not a business, et cetera, et cetera.
So the next thing you got to do is figure out what is the offering.
What do I want to offer?
Do I want to be a coach where I meet with people hourly every week?
Do I want to be a program creator where I write some books and I create some courses that teach people?
Do I want to create a hybrid where I create a course that teaches fear?
Like, I have a course called Walking Without Fear.
I can sell that course and do and have and I can do it a different way where I sell the course.
And then I have a few classes where I help people with their own personal, individual questions about how to banish fear from your life.
And so figuring out how you want to do that has partly to do with lifestyle and business design.
What do you want to be doing with your day?
And what do you think will be the most effective delivery mechanism for those who need what you have?
And so that is a process and it's quickly described defining your value proposition.
Now, what I know is most people can't do that with just this description, even though I've told you all the steps.
So here's my invitation.
Let me help you do that.
Helping you find your unique value proposition, your superpower, your most effective offering, your Triple Helix, the thing you do better than anybody in the universe, usp, you know, unique selling proposition, unique selling mechanism.
Like you have it.
But I'll bet you any amount of money you haven't done the work to find it.
And so it isn't available for you to create value in the world with.
And consequently you're blocked until you do that work of having the biggest impact, making the most money and having the most fun.
So if you want to create a business in the fashion that I've described, where you use your skills, gifts and life experience to serve, to have fun and to make good money, reach out and talk to me, because I can help you do that.
I've helped me do it and I've helped many do it.
And I have a very specific process to help it happen the second.
And so that's one invitation.
Reach out to me.
Now, how did you do that?
Well, there's a URL on the screen. Kellenfluecigermedia dot com Go look that up on that page.
You'll see the books that I've written, you'll see some of the other things that I've done, some talks and things.
There's also a way to get ahold of me, an email there where you can reach out and we can start the dialogue about what you really want to do.
What is your value proposition?
So this, like I said, is the third of the seven business things.
And the one before was getting a growth mindset.
If you come to look for your value proposition with the mindset of I can't do this, I got nothing, and it won't do any good anyway, it's going to be really hard.
And we won't work on the value proposition till we fix the mindset.
And the mindset is, you're powerful, you're divine.
You were created by the same God I was.
Whatever you think of that universal intelligence God, you were created same way as me.
You have all the power, the same power as me.
You have the skills, same skills as me.
Well, we have different skills, we learn different things.
But you have your own unique set of gifts and you certainly have your unique life experience.
So you have a uniqueness about you that is valuable and needs to be offered to the world.
So if you want to create this life where you control your schedule, you control your bank account, you control your everything about it, and you get to feel fueled by a purpose that you know is valuable.
You get to create a business out of it and make however much money you want.
There's no limit to that.
There's an infinite amount of money and have all the joy you can stand.
That's why I use the words purpose, prosperity and joy.
I live that.
I have it.
I'm offering you to the help you need to get that done.
Kellen Please go there.
Let's have a conversation.
Let's explore the possibilities.
Because I know you have them.
I know you have them.
You have a divine heritage.
Therefore your capability is divine.
You have heavenly DNA in you, and that means your possibilities are infinite.
I don't care how many times you've been beat down or failed or jumped up and down on or where you are right now.
I've been there.
If you don't believe me, read the book Tightrope Tightrope of Depression and see what I learned, what I did, what I didn't do, how I came through, all of that, how I got here.
But most of all, I invite you to connect.
I believe in you.
I love you.
I want you to create the business you want.
And your possibilities are infinite.
And I'd love to help you on the road to creating your ultimate.
Why Never hold back and you'll never ask why.
Open your heart.
And this time around, right here, right now, your opportunity for massive growth is right in front of you.
Every episode gives you practical tips and practices that will change everything.
If you want to know more, go to Kellen Flukey.
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