Welcome to Your Ultimate Life Podcast with Kellan Fluckiger
Stop Letting Life Happen to You: Take Control and Thrive!
Stop Letting Life Happen to You: Take Control and Thrive!
Are you ready to take control of your life and create your desired future? Kellan discusses the transformative concept that we are the arch…
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Dec. 31, 2024

Stop Letting Life Happen to You: Take Control and Thrive!

Are you ready to take control of your life and create your desired future? Kellan discusses the transformative concept that we are the architects of our own experiences, regardless of our external challenges. As the year winds down, he encourages listeners to reflect not on how the year treated them but on how they showed up and what choices they made.

Powerful stories and practical tips are shared to empower you to shift your perspective and embrace your inherent capability. It’s time to turn barriers into opportunities and commit to being more loving, successful, and joyful in the new year.


  • You have the power to shape your reality, no matter the circumstances around you.
  • Every failure carries the seed of a greater opportunity; learn from your setbacks.
  • Creating your life intentionally can lead to extraordinary experiences and fulfillment.
  • At the end of the year, reflect on how you showed up and what you learned.
  • True happiness and success come from serving others and living beyond self-interest.
  • Your commitment to growth and service will greatly impact your future experiences.

Books mentioned

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

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00:00 - None

00:05 - The Pursuit of Truth

05:01 - Creating Your Life: A New Perspective

12:57 - Reflecting on Personal Agency and Growth

18:35 - Overcoming Barriers: Finding Opportunities in Failure

27:04 - Embracing New Opportunities in the New Year

28:26 - Embracing Change and Commitment for 2025

Speaker A

Welcome to the show.

Speaker A

Tired of the hype about living a dream?

Speaker A

It's time for truth.

Speaker A

This is the place for tools, power and real talk.

Speaker A

So you can create the life you dream and deserve your ultimate life.

Speaker A

Subscribe, Share, create.

Speaker A

You have infinite power.

Speaker A

Hey there.

Speaker A

Welcome to your ultimate life today.

Speaker A

Isn't this a beautiful picture behind me?

Speaker A

Hope you're watching the video.

Speaker A

Beautiful street.

Speaker A

And this is actually a picture that I took.

Speaker A

We don't live in the house right now, that house right now, but whoops, back that way on that side.

Speaker A

Whoops, that side of the street.

Speaker A


Speaker A

That's where we live for several years.

Speaker A

And this is a picture in the summertime in Edmonton where it's this beautiful.

Speaker A

It's funny because, you know, the growing season here is fairly short.

Speaker A

It's cold.

Speaker A

Like right now it's the middle of November.

Speaker A

I'm recording this middle November.

Speaker A

You won't see it till the end of December, but about a week ago, winter descended with a vengeance.

Speaker A

It snowed 6 inches or 7 inches in a day and the temperatures have dropped 15 degrees, etc.

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Speaker A

So we're snowed in till April.

Speaker A

I don't mean snowed in.

Speaker A

Me can't get out, but perma snow is in the backyard and it'll be here for four or five more months.

Speaker A

In huge contrast with this beautiful picture.

Speaker A

Now it's fun because this is unretouched.

Speaker A

This is exactly what it looks like.

Speaker A

And when the snow finally melts in April and May and it starts to get warm, stuff grows really fast.

Speaker A

Like really fast.

Speaker A

And then it gets beautiful like this.

Speaker A

All the trees, at least in the area where we live, which is an older part of the city, King Edward park, just the streets, they're not really wide enough for two parked cars and then two to drive, right?

Speaker A

The streets are too narrow for that.

Speaker A

So if someone's parked on each side of the street and then you know, someone's driving down the street, somebody has to wait for people to get by.

Speaker A

But anyway, it's residential, so it's kind of a so what?

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Speaker A

Now, as I record this and certainly as you hear it at the end of December, here's what's the truth.

Speaker A

The truth is the year's ending.

Speaker A

We're at the closing days of November right now.

Speaker A

The U.S.

Speaker A

thanksgiving is day after tomorrow.

Speaker A

I'm recording this on the 25th or 6th of November.

Speaker A

And at the end of the year, we start thinking about three things.

Speaker A

One, we start thinking about how the year went.

Speaker A

How did the year treat us?

Speaker A

Is one Way to say that.

Speaker A

And that's a victim stance.

Speaker A

So we'll talk a little bit about that in a minute.

Speaker A

Another way to think about it is the New Year's coming.

Speaker A

What am I going to do to next year?

Speaker A

Do with next year?

Speaker A

Or you could say the victim way, which is, gee, I wonder if next year is going to treat me okay, one of next year is going to be better than this year.

Speaker A

You know, that kind of feeling.

Speaker A

And the third thing we do, particularly around holidays, no matter what, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I mean, I certainly do, and most people that I know do, but there are some that don't.

Speaker A

But there are other holidays, but anyway, it doesn't matter.

Speaker A

Around holiday time, especially important holidays, sacred holidays, you start to think about family and relationships and whether they're doing well or poorly.

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And if you need to do something or feel a yearning to repair or to do work to make them better, right?

Speaker A

To make them more deep and loving and so forth.

Speaker A

So that's normal.

Speaker A

I don't know how your year went.

Speaker A

My year went spectacular.

Speaker A

My year was amazing.

Speaker A

My year was a blessing beyond words.

Speaker A

And I am fully certain, I'm not even expecting.

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I'm absolutely certain next year is going to be even more spectacular.

Speaker A

Someone said the best way to predict the future is to create it.

Speaker A

That's not an empty platitude.

Speaker A

It is a truth and a fact.

Speaker A

If you want to have an amazing future, it's in your hands.

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So my invitation is to consider creating it.

Speaker A

Considering deeply and seriously taking a more active role in the creation of your life.

Speaker A

That we've talked about this a lot and we'll talk about it another million times.

Speaker A

I don't know, Million.

Speaker A

As we do more and more episodes, I realize that next year we'll get to a thousand episodes and we're going to keep going after that.

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Speaker A

Because it is time.

Speaker A

It is time for us as peoples, fellow citizens of this planet to recognize and accept a simple truth.

Speaker A

We create our lives.

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Speaker A

Now, the minute I say that, you know, one or a thousand people say, yeah, but.

Speaker A

And then they fill in the blank there with all of the bad things, difficult things, unexpected or unwanted things happening around them.

Speaker A

We have two wars going on in the world right now.

Speaker A

One in Europe and one in the Middle East.

Speaker A

No one wanted those.

Speaker A

At least no one that's sane wanted those.

Speaker A

Sorry about the bug in my throat.

Speaker A

But anyway, they happen.

Speaker A

The weather happens.

Speaker A

Climate extremes, earthquakes, economic shifts, inflation, all of those things happen around us.

Speaker A

They don't determine how good our life is the joy you feel in life has less to do with the circumstances of your life and everything to do with the focus of your life.

Speaker A

What I mean by that, it sounds like a platitude, and you can think of it that way, is if circumstances are bad, how can I have a good life?

Speaker A

That's simply not true.

Speaker A

You can choose to live a life of joy, abundance and excitement, even if circumstances are not ideal or terrible.

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Examples are all around us.

Speaker A

I was just talking to someone the other day, and they made reference to a person they know who was in the hospital, serious illness, you know, et cetera, et cetera.

Speaker A

Yet while in the hospital, the physicians, the duty staff, nurses and everything, they had nothing but exciting things to say about this person, this individual who was sick, blessed their lives, made them happy, made them feel good.

Speaker A

And that was a choice made by someone bedridden, flat on their back in a hospital ward who, you know, had every reason to be miserable, angry, frustrated, feel hard, done by, or whatever it is.

Speaker A

So that's a small example.

Speaker A

I heard a story the other day about a woman who, despite being an immigrant and struggling financially, made it her point, her life's mission to be of service to all those around them.

Speaker A

And the person telling the story was the kid of that woman and family.

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And he said, I remember so often around our table were all kinds of different people who my mom had invited in for dinner or help or some other service.

Speaker A

Despite their personal struggles with finances, they did it anyway.

Speaker A

They were going to do that anyway.

Speaker A

Because why?

Speaker A

Because they chose to be that.

Speaker A

They chose to be that person.

Speaker A

So let's get over the idea that our circumstances create our reality.

Speaker A

You're all familiar with the book A Man's Search For Meaning, written by a fellow named Viktor Frankl, who was interned in a concentration camp during World War II, just now 70, you know, coming on 80 years ago, and suffered the starvation and privation that was common to those times.

Speaker A

He noted in his book that some people in that circumstance were angry, frustrated, bitter, blamed God and, you know, adopted that sort of victim attitude.

Speaker A

And others, simply by choice, walked around and encouraged people and lifted their spirits.

Speaker A

And they were all enduring the same hardships and circumstance.

Speaker A

And those that did the work of encouraging were happy.

Speaker A

They created happiness for themselves, even in the face of certain or very likely death in the short term.

Speaker A

So the idea that you can't be happy when crap around you is falling down is just not true.

Speaker A

So as we think right now about this year ending, and we say, what has 2024 done and if you listen to this, some other year, the year you're in, it doesn't really matter.

Speaker A

It's the same question.

Speaker A

What did I do with 2024?

Speaker A

Is a much more interesting question than what did 2024 do to me?

Speaker A

The year didn't do anything to me.

Speaker A

I took advantage of the year every minute and every second I could.

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Speaker A

Why did I do that?

Speaker A

Because I chose to.

Speaker A

Just like people walked around the concentration camp and chose to be sources of light, I choose that.

Speaker A

And in the process, here's what I noticed.

Speaker A

It's the same thing that Viktor Frankl wrote.

Speaker A

And if you haven't read Man's Search for Meaning, it's a good.

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It's not just a good read.

Speaker A

It's a good manifesto or script for the truth of you and me creating our lives here now, one day, one thought, one action at a time.

Speaker A

That doesn't mean I can think and, you know, box from Amazon containing gold bars, drops on the porch.

Speaker A

We often belong to this sort of religion of money where we think that if we have a lot of money, everything's fine and it's not.

Speaker A

Millions of examples in our society and circumstance prove that.

Speaker A

I personally have had that experience of having tons of money and still being extremely miserable.

Speaker A

And I know lots of others are the same.

Speaker A

And I'm not saying money by itself is evil.

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In fact, my business is successful and I'm in the process of creating a huge business that makes a ton of money.

Speaker A

The reason I'm creating that money is to serve you, is to reach more people.

Speaker A

Now, my mission this year, My year starts October 14th, so January 1st isn't my new year.

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It was a month, six weeks ago.

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Now is to reach 300 million people.

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And you're one of them.

Speaker A

You are one of my people.

Speaker A

And why do I want to reach you?

Speaker A

I want to remind you that you're a child of God, a child of the divine.

Speaker A

I want to remind you that because you are, you have capability that you aren't using, you're built with the DNA of divinity, as a creator, as a creative, as a person with power to build up not only yourself, but others.

Speaker A

And you have possibility, divinity, capability, possibility.

Speaker A

The possibilities that we all have is.

Speaker A

Are infinite.

Speaker A

You can make anything you want happen.

Speaker A

What usually happens is we're not willing to do the work to get there.

Speaker A

We're not willing to put in the reps.

Speaker A

I have a client I was talking to earlier today when we were talking about reps.

Speaker A

And that makes a lot of sense for that individual because he has a gym.

Speaker A

And so everything there is in terms of reps, how many reps, how many days you work out, what are the.

Speaker A

What's the circuit, you know, all that kind of stuff.

Speaker A

And so reps of doing anything is the way we learn.

Speaker A

Whether I'm practicing the piano, pointing over there to the recording studio, whether I'm practicing giving a talk, whether I'm coaching, like, give.

Speaker A

The more I coach, the better I get.

Speaker A

No surprise.

Speaker A

The more reps we do of anything, the better we get at it.

Speaker A

So as we look at this year ending and the next year beginning, let's.

Speaker A

Instead of thinking about it in the way of what did the year do to me?

Speaker A

Did it treat me well?

Speaker A

Let's just think about how we showed up.

Speaker A

How did I show up this year?

Speaker A

Now, what does that mean, to show up?

Speaker A

Well, how did I create myself?

Speaker A

Every day I have a.

Speaker A

A very rigorous daily creation process.

Speaker A

Why would I do that?

Speaker A

Well, I find when I do, I have more intuition.

Speaker A

I make more money, I close more deals, I get.

Speaker A

I'm a better guest on other people's shows.

Speaker A

I write better in my books.

Speaker A

I do better in the recording studio.

Speaker A

I love my wife more, I love my kids more.

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Speaker A

I find that when I have created myself on purpose, that I'm better in every aspect of life.

Speaker A

What does it mean to create yourself?

Speaker A

Well, you can think about it however you like.

Speaker A

I'm going to suggest a possibility for you.

Speaker A

Creating myself means to remind myself deeply and in a deep and meaningful way, powerfully, whatever the right words are.

Speaker A

Who I am.

Speaker A

I'm a son of Almighty God.

Speaker A

Well, when I remember that, I show up differently in every conversation, not just once in a while.

Speaker A

I'm a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Speaker A

Now, that's by choice.

Speaker A

You may or may not be Christian and recognize that individual, but that doesn't matter.

Speaker A

You're a disciple of something.

Speaker A

If you're a disciple of your own need and greed, that goes to a sad place.

Speaker A

Because I've been down that road.

Speaker A

I have.

Speaker A

And it led to very dark places.

Speaker A

I've changed everything about my life.

Speaker A

Starting 17 years ago, working on 18.

Speaker A

And I'm down a different road now that every day is full of joy.

Speaker A

So when I create my life, I remind myself who I am.

Speaker A

I then remind myself what I'm about in the world.

Speaker A

There's never any confusion.

Speaker A

I'm doing one thing.

Speaker A

I am reaching 300 million people to help you remember your divine nature, the capability that comes from that spiritual DNA of God woven in your.

Speaker A

Woven in Your DNA and your possibility to create everything.

Speaker A

So I'm going to reach 300 million people.

Speaker A

Television, radio, podcasts, coaching, speaking, guest appearances, and all kinds of stuff.

Speaker A

And in that process, I'm going to remind you who you are, what your capability is, and then motivate you to do something with that knowledge.

Speaker A

So when I remind myself in my daily creation that I'm a child of God and that I have his DNA, and I use different words, things that are meaningful to me.

Speaker A

So, for example, one of them is I am at cause and call into existence every part of my experience.

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That means I'm responsible for how I feel about everything.

Speaker A

I don't care what anybody else does or says.

Speaker A

I don't matter.

Speaker A

I am responsible for how I feel about that, what I choose to make that thing mean, whatever somebody said or did.

Speaker A

Okay, I'll give you another example.

Speaker A

I just had one of my Facebook accounts hacked, seriously hacked.

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And it's a big one, and it's a big deal.

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My first question wasn't, how did this happen?

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What am I going to do now?

Speaker A

I'm wrecked and.

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Or any of that stuff.

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It was, wow, what miracle can I create from this circumstance?

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I'm not being Pollyanna or stupid, but I've trained myself that that's just how I look at it.

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So I start thinking about, okay, assuming all is lost and it's trashed, what's the miracle I can create here?

Speaker A

I haven't fully answered that question, but what it does is it sets me up for positive thinking and creation instead of weeping in the corner and yelling at the universe or whoever did whatever they did.

Speaker A

All right, so creating myself every day is necessary, and it's powerful, but only if I want to have the biggest impact.

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If I don't care what happens with today, then I don't have to do that.

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I've made a choice that I care what happens every day.

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My commitment is to be all that I can be, to.

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To do all that I can do.

Speaker A

I've chosen to take the divine mission to bring happiness and joy and growth and prosperity and cash and business growth and everything to as many people as I can.

Speaker A

That's a mission that I've chosen.

Speaker A

So how I show up in the world is I'm doing that all the time, right?

Speaker A

Whether I'm talking to you or writing a book or being on somebody else's show or coaching one of my clients that I have around the world.

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So who I am is one piece, and then choices about how that shows up is the other.

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And Then the third piece for me is preparing.

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So if I'm gonna be this and that shows up this way, how do I prepare?

Speaker A

And that's the essence of my lengthy morning creation process.

Speaker A

And I never skip because I used to.

Speaker A

And I know how effective I am when I skip, which isn't very effective.

Speaker A

I know how effective I am when I purposely create myself, and that's very effective.

Speaker A

So I never skip.

Speaker A

Today's particular take on that is barriers and opportunities.

Speaker A

So as you wind your day down, your year down.

Speaker A

As you wind your year down, what barriers got in the way in 2024 for you?

Speaker A

Economic circumstances, setbacks, illnesses, financial challenges?

Speaker A

Maybe you changed jobs and you got fired.

Speaker A

Maybe you decided to start a business and it crashed and burned.

Speaker A

Like, what are the barriers that got in your way?

Speaker A

That's easy.

Speaker A

List them.

Speaker A

Write them down.

Speaker A

I find a useful question is what I said a minute ago.

Speaker A

What can I create from this mess?

Speaker A

I always.

Speaker A

I find that to be a powerful and useful question.

Speaker A

All right, so just a second here.

Speaker A

There we go.

Speaker A

I've got my timer running, so I know what I'm doing here.

Speaker A

For length anyway.

Speaker A

So what are the barriers that got in my way?

Speaker A

Well, I can list a bunch of them that are perceived barriers.

Speaker A

And I put barriers and opportunities in the title of this because every barrier has an opportunity.

Speaker A

In the seed of every failure lies, or in the substance of every failure lies the seed of a greater opportunity.

Speaker A

Now, that's a paraphrase, not exact quote from Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich.

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And I don't know if he got that from somewhere else, but I want to repeat it because it's so important.

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When you have a failure and you fall on your face or something didn't work, even if you're embarrassed or it's a real struggle, know this.

Speaker A

In every failure lies the seed of an equivalent or greater success.

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That's not just acute platitude, it's a truth.

Speaker A

And here's why.

Speaker A

Because when stuff happens to us, bad stuff, if you want to call it that, stuff we didn't want it, teaches us all kinds of stuff.

Speaker A

We know what not to do.

Speaker A

We're better prepared to take decisive and correct action in the future.

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And so it's a stepping stone.

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It really is.

Speaker A

So when you look at your year and you say, what good things?

Speaker A

What struggles happened?

Speaker A

And then also what good things happen?

Speaker A

And just do an evaluation from the struggles, Say, what opportunities do these struggles present?

Speaker A

What are those?

Speaker A

And what opportunities are on the horizon for next year?

Speaker A

Now, some people Set goals at the beginning of the year.

Speaker A

I do.

Speaker A

My year happens to start, as I mentioned, October 14th.

Speaker A

So I set goals then.

Speaker A

But I want you to think about that.

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Because if we live, if you live or I live self centered with everything's about me and everything is about what's in it for me and what do I get, all that kind of stuff.

Speaker A

I find that I fail more often.

Speaker A

I find that it's not as satisfying and happy.

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And I find that that leads me to do what I call walking by sight.

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When everything is about me, then I say, well, I gotta see it.

Speaker A

I gotta see it.

Speaker A

I gotta see it to believe it.

Speaker A

I gotta prove, you know.

Speaker A

And I live in this sort of fearful dance with making things, trying to make things happen and fearing that they won't.

Speaker A

So it's kind of a fearful dance.

Speaker A

I end up with tiny vision, okay?

Speaker A

And I have a saying about my particular saying about my discipleship of Jesus Christ, but it says, I'm done.

Speaker A

I'm done with self centered living.

Speaker A

I'm done with walking by sight, tiny habits, limited goals or colorless dreams.

Speaker A

I'm done with all those.

Speaker A

And when I live with focused only on me, that's what dreams are, they're colorless.

Speaker A

And here's what I mean.

Speaker A

You may achieve $10 million next month.

Speaker A

Now you have a big pile of cash in the bank.

Speaker A

Even after taxes and everything else, life doesn't change.

Speaker A

You don't suddenly get happy because there's a pile of cash.

Speaker A

You might be able to buy an extreme vacation or a Lamborghini or whatever you want that doesn't create happiness.

Speaker A

And you figure that out really quickly after you bought one or two.

Speaker A

And the house didn't do it, and the car didn't do it and the vacation didn't do it, and you come home and you're with yourself.

Speaker A

So the biggest opportunities we have, the biggest opportunities we have is to decide who we are going to be.

Speaker A

Who are we going to be in the new year?

Speaker A

And that starts with what I said a minute ago, which is how did I show up last year?

Speaker A

Did I show up with love?

Speaker A

Did I show up with confidence?

Speaker A

Did I show up with the attitude of being of service, recognizing the I understand those are all kind of squishy things.

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And people can say, yeah, that doesn't put money in the bank.

Speaker A

And I beg to differ.

Speaker A

The great motivational speaker Zig Ziglar, who I never had a chance to hear in person, but I know his son Tom.

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Anyway, Zig Ziglar is credited with Saying you can have anything you want if you help enough people get what they want.

Speaker A

Well, yeah, that's a different way of stating the principles of the Golden Rule.

Speaker A

It's also obvious that if I am of service of many people, they are inclined by Cialdini's principle of reciprocity.

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They want to do stuff for you.

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But that isn't the big power house.

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That isn't the big ticket here.

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The big ticket is when I live in service, it changes me.

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I am become different.

Speaker A

I am become more loving, more patient.

Speaker A

I am become smarter.

Speaker A

I become more intelligent.

Speaker A

I am become more creative.

Speaker A

And I see that over and over and over again.

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When I go at serving, I find it easy to make money.

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I find it easy to get clients.

Speaker A

I find it easy to write the books that I want, to land the talks that I want, excuse me for sneezing.

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And to get those things happening, lined up in my life that I want, to have those just show up over and over and over again.

Speaker A

You say, why?

Speaker A

How does that happen?

Speaker A

Well, all I can say is it does.

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Some ideas, love is the power that holds the universe together.

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And when we access that and we're in love and service to others, things happen.

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Karma, call it what you want.

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But what I know is that when I go at things, viewing every barrier as an opportunity and then just magnifying every opportunity, more come, the more I take advantage.

Speaker A

So it seems like life is like, okay, you're taking advantage of these opportunities.

Speaker A

I'm going to give you more.

Speaker A

Which is why, said, I'm done with colorless dreams.

Speaker A

My dreams are huge.

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They're in living color.

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The numbers that are in my business plan would stagger you.

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And I am absolutely certain I'm going to create them.

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And not one cent of it is so that I can buy another.

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Speaker A

It is, it gives me power to reach more people, more exposure, more programs, a wider reach, better distribution for the books, more marketing budget.

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Not about making money, although none of the things are free.

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And I don't care how much money I accumulate, it's so that I can do the work that I have committed to do, which this year is reaching 300 million people.

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And I have some big goals that are financial too.

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And I just choose not to share those.

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Here's what I know about you.

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You have barriers.

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You have crap that happens that blows the wind out of your sails and knocks you down.

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So my real deep question is, what do you do with that?

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How did you show up in 2024?

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What were the actions that you took?

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Especially when that kind of stuff happened to you.

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Did you jump in gear and get moving, or did you lay down and die?

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All right, so here's the truth for you, the piece of truth.

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This year's ending, new year starting.

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Whether you set goals or not, you and I, we both want next year to be more than last year.

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More healthy, more joyful, more powerful, more fun, more prosperity, which is cash.

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And we also want to be of more service.

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We, as humans and as spiritual beings, are built to love and serve each other.

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We really are.

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When we're in service, we feel good because neurotransmitters kick in.

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Serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine.

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All that good stuff happens.

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Just ask anybody that's ever built Habitat for Humanity or gone on a food drive or gone out to help a neighbor fix a fence after a hurricane.

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I did that in Boise.

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Boise, Idaho.

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Can you imagine a tornado?

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They say they don't have those up there, but I lived there for a year and a half, and something happened in our neighborhood that knocked down fences and ripped up trees under dark clouds.

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It looked an awful lot like a tornado.

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But anyway, the point is going around and being of service, it felt good, it felt right, and it felt human.

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It felt full of love and felt full of kindness.

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So your opportunity.

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So you know how you showed up in 2024.

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Your opportunity right now is to make some conscious, intentional choices about how you're going to show up in 2025.

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I'm doing that right now.

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I review my personal truth document.

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I look and see every word about how I show up.

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Because remember, that's the document I use to create myself every morning.

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I recite it.

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I have it memorized.

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I check every word.

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Is this right?

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So you review your declarations.

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Who are you in the world?

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I'm the ultimate alchemist.

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I use science and magic to help you get rid of your barriers and create the cash, the purpose, and the joy that you want to have.

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Purpose, prosperity, and joy.

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That's my definition of the ultimate life.

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And you're going to have different words, but you can have it.

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And whatever barriers have been in the way to get it.

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Remember, in every barrier, there's the seed of greater opportunity.

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So it's your choice right now.

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Whether you continue to allow those barriers to stand or you blow them down, you realize their opportunity.

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So your choice is right now.

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And here's your challenge.

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How are you going to show up in 2025?

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What is your commitment to yourself right now?

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To be more.

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More loving, more Kind more successful, more sales, better business, better relationships, better physical shape.

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What is your level of commitment?

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I find when I make commitments, I got to get help.

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I haven't been able to do all that stuff on my own.

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So I hire coaches and get all kinds of help and guess what?

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Then I accomplish those goals.

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Now I want to give you three invitations as we get done today, there's a URL on the screen.

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Kellen Flukeeger media.com Please go there.

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Go there and see, because all kinds of resources for you.

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There's books, there's podcasts, there's television shows.

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All of them aimed at one thing.

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To help you be, discover and be the very most joyful, wealthy and powerful that you can be.

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That's all.

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I'm about 300 million people to help you discover, develop and create purpose, prosperity and joy with your life experience in your divine gifts.

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So go there.

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Kellen Fluker Media the second invitation is this.

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Please share this podcast with someone who needs to be loved, acknowledged, encouraged, lifted, blessed, because that's all that this is about.

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So I'm asking you if you'll share it with two people.

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Will you share this podcast with two people?

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I'd love to know that you do.

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I'd love to see a comment if you'd like to leave a review.

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I certainly need them because that elevates the distribution and I get a little closer to my 300 million.

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And the third invitation is if you have a message you want to share.

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My message is one of growth, the possibility of infinite capability, divinity, capability, possibility, ultimate life.

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That's my message and I'm sharing it with the world because that's the life I experience.

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So I'm sharing that, my message with the world.

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So my third invitation is if you have a message you want to share with the world.

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I'd love to be a vehicle for that.

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I'd love to be an amplifier.

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We have a large audience, so reach out and get a hold of me.

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On Kellen Fluker media.com There's an email.

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You can go to one of our socials wherever you see this and make a comment and reach out.

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Reach out, reach out, reach out.

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I can't read your mind.

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I won't know what your beautiful story and possibility is unless you tell me.

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So you are invited.

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As we wind this down, consider who you have been, who you are, who you were.

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How did you show up in 24?

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What intentional changes do you want to make in 25 so that you can have more purpose, more prosperity, and more joy on your way to creating the infinite joy and prosperity that you deserve and fully leaning into your ultimate life right here, right now.

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Your opportunity for massive growth is right in front of you.

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Every episode gives you practical tips and practices that will change everything.

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If you want to know more, go to kellenfluermedia.com if you want more free tools, go here.

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Your Ultimate Life Cat subscribe Share.