Welcome to Your Ultimate Life Podcast with Kellan Fluckiger
Redirection: Dennis Berry’s Journey, #720
Redirection: Dennis Berry’s Journey, #720
Changing your ways has got to be one of the most challenging steps you need to take once you’ve decided you will live a better life. Old vi…
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Dec. 2, 2022

Redirection: Dennis Berry’s Journey, #720

Redirection: Dennis Berry’s Journey, #720

Changing your ways has got to be one of the most challenging steps you need to take once you’ve decided you will live a better life.

Old vices, unhealthy decisions, self-sabotaging tendencies - these coping mechanisms are the hardest to let go of.

It’s uncomfortable, but you need to step up and start changing things if you want to start living life more smoother.

In today’s episode, we are joined by a living example of someone who's made the choices to change the course of his life, to take control of the levers of his - Dennis Berry.

Having been sober for almost two decades now, Dennis talks about why people find it hard to start change, how he overcame the difficulty of having to ask for help, and how he was able to stay sober.

You might ask yourself, “am I ready? Am I willing to change? What do I really want? What am I willing to trade away for these new things?”

Tune in to this episode and find out how Dennis navigated his way through his life transformation!

02:02 - 04:15 The ultimate life for Dennis: Transformation

05:18 - 08:33 Lining up your passion and purpose toward service

09:24 - 11:10 HOW: Honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness

11:52 - 14:24 Why is it so hard to change

15:20 - 18:10 Why people fail to stay sober

18:13 - 19:19 Overcoming the difficulty of asking for help

20:58 - 24:43 The truth about being happy every single day

25:06 - 28:08 Getting focused and centered at the start of your day

28:26 - 29:36 Entering the door of change 

If you want to learn more about Dennis and book a free session with him, then you should check his website at www.dennisberry.com

Check out his podcast The Funky Brain Podcast

You can also join his self-paced classes about recovery, meditation, and overall wellness at:


Connect with him on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LifeCoach.DennisBerry

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dennisberry_/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/DennisBerryfunkyBrain

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dennisberry1/


You can find out more about Kellan and how he can help you achieve your ultimate life by checking out his website: 


Kellan has hundreds of videos on his Youtube channel and uploads new videos weekly: https://www.youtube.com/c/UltimateLifeFormula

Subscribe to the podcast at: https://your-ultimate-life.captivate.fm/listen and choose your favorite platform.

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