Welcome to Your Ultimate Life Podcast with Kellan Fluckiger
Pillar of Love - Conclusion, #553
Pillar of Love - Conclusion, #553
In this episode, we complete the Pillar of Love. I saved that for last in the palace of power, because it is the key and the power for ever…
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Dec. 9, 2021

Pillar of Love - Conclusion, #553

In this episode, we complete the Pillar of Love. I saved that for last in the palace of power, because it is the key and the power for everything. Without the power of love, nothing else will stay together. It is literally the power that holds the universe together. It is the only power that can create anything.

Negative emotions, hate, anger only destroy. Love creates. Children, legacy, growth, and everything else. Realizing the elements of true love is a fundamental requirement to using your love to grow and serve. Choosing to serve others is the highest love you can demonstrate. How do I know this? It is how God acts toward all of us, all the time. Everything is for our growth and joy. We can follow that model. 

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You can find out more about Kellan and how he can help you achieve your ultimate life by checking out his website: 


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