Welcome to Your Ultimate Life Podcast with Kellan Fluckiger
Maximize Your Monster Benefit, #612
Maximize Your Monster Benefit, #612
In this episode, we start our 16-part journey into exactly how to tackle monsters that have held me back and that may be getting in your wa…
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Feb. 17, 2022

Maximize Your Monster Benefit, #612

Maximize Your Monster Benefit, #612

In this episode, we start our 16-part journey into exactly how to tackle monsters that have held me back and that may be getting in your way. First, let’s get clear. For this to have the most use, don’t just listen to the words. Let them sink in deeply and declare at this very moment that you are a new person.

These episodes can change your life and free you from long h help problems if you will go all-in right now. The best way here is to start with something smaller. Pick one, maybe two things that are your most pressing issues. To start small, just make a small change. Get 1% better at this thing right here and right now. Have self-compassion and laugh at your tendency to live old stories. Then start again.

Connect with Kellan on social media at: 

Facebook: www.facebook.com/kellan.fluckiger3

YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/ultimatelifeformula

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kellan.fluckiger/

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/kellanfluckiger

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/kellanfluckiger


You can find out more about Kellan and how he can help you achieve your ultimate life by checking out his website: 


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