Welcome to Your Ultimate Life Podcast with Kellan Fluckiger
Living the Dream or Just Dreaming? The Truth About Creating Your Ultimate Life
Living the Dream or Just Dreaming? The Truth About Creating…
💡 Are you truly creating the life you want—or just going through the motions? In this powerful episode of Your Ultimate Life , Kellan Fluck…
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March 7, 2025

Living the Dream or Just Dreaming? The Truth About Creating Your Ultimate Life

💡 Are you truly creating the life you want—or just going through the motions?

In this powerful episode of Your Ultimate Life, Kellan Fluckiger breaks down the raw truth about personal growth, resilience, and what it takes to actually live your dream—rather than just talk about it.

🔥 What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

✔️ Why life is designed to be hard—and how to use it to your advantage.

✔️ The biggest lie people believe about success and fulfillment.

✔️ The power of ownership: How taking full responsibility changes EVERYTHING.

✔️ How Kellan’s 100-Day Adventure is transforming lives—and how YOU can be part of it.

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00:00 - None

00:07 - Creating Your Dream Life

07:26 - What an Adventure

09:50 - The Adventure of 100 Days

15:27 - The Adventure of 100 Days

27:31 - Starting Your Own Adventure

28:00 - Your Adventure Awaits

Speaker A

Welcome to the show.

Speaker A

Tired of the hype about living the dream?

Speaker A

It's time for truth.

Speaker A

This is the place for tools, power and real talk so you can create the life you dream and deserve your ultimate life.

Speaker A

Subscribe, share, create.

Speaker A

You have infinite power.

Speaker A

Welcome to this episode of your ultimate life.

Speaker A

This is going to be a fun episode.

Speaker A

Now, we finished the three, 9:52 and 9:54, and they were about 9:50.

Speaker A

And they were about the message, the method and mastery, and that is of the process to create the life you love.

Speaker A

Now I'm nearly at a thousand episodes talking about your ultimate life.

Speaker A

And I say yours because the only reason I'm doing this is to help you create the life you adore, you deserve, you are entitled to.

Speaker A

And because that's my passion, I've been driven to that by my own life and experience.

Speaker A

I'll bet there's something you feel driven to do.

Speaker A

And I don't mean, you know, you're in danger of a.

Speaker A

You know, some imminent mortal danger or something like that.

Speaker A

I'll bet you something.

Speaker A

I'll bet you there's something that's laying on your heart.

Speaker A

Sometimes people say, God, put it on my heart.

Speaker A

Well, our Father in heaven, our Creator, however you want to view that does inspire us, does put things on our heart, does give us thoughts and feelings.

Speaker A

And my experience has been that life's better when I pay attention.

Speaker A

I certainly had a habit of not paying attention for a lot of years.

Speaker A

I had a lot of years where I sometimes paid attention and sometimes didn't.

Speaker A

The more I paid attention, the happier I was.

Speaker A

Now it's not hard for me to understand why, if the Creator wants us to be happy, then the inspirations, the guidance, the intuition will be in the direction of creating that happiness, that success.

Speaker A

I think the struggle for me came when life went through all kinds of ditches and canals and marshes and bogs and struggles and pain and illness and bankruptcies and stupid decisions and stuff.

Speaker A

And somehow I had the idea two things.

Speaker A

One, if I was any good, God would protect me from my own stupidity or.

Speaker A

And he would protect me from the stupidity or evil designs or cruelty or unkindness of somebody else.

Speaker A

I had those kind of thoughts.

Speaker A

And so when things happened, it wasn't fair.

Speaker A

It wasn't right.

Speaker A

And that's not true.

Speaker A

Because what I've also learned is that the playbook for life isn't like I thought it was.

Speaker A

I used to think it was, well, a few hard things, but, you know, gonna be pretty much going, okay, if I'm A good boy kind of thought, that's nonsense.

Speaker A

Life's designed to be hard, hard and lots of struggles.

Speaker A

And I know you have them.

Speaker A

You have struggles.

Speaker A

You've had a history of some kind of problem.

Speaker A

Every single person I talk to, when we get to talking a little bit longer than 5 or 10 or 15 minutes, it becomes really clear that they have gone through the battlefields, they've gone about with something.

Speaker A

Finances, parenting, rough upbringing, illness, somebody died, you know, all that kind of stuff.

Speaker A

You've had that you right here, right now.

Speaker A

And you know that.

Speaker A

You know, I've had people say to me, well, I haven't really had a hard life.

Speaker A

I had good parents and stuff.

Speaker A

And then when we get to talking, they say, but, you know, I'm still stuck around.

Speaker A

And then they have a story about friends, grades, school, other things that happened.

Speaker A

Maybe some of it's haphazard circumstance.

Speaker A

And by that, I mean the stuff that goes on around us, like right this minute in this world here, we have some wars going on.

Speaker A

We have wars going on in Ukraine, and that is front and center for us.

Speaker A

Because my wife, her dad was born in Odessa, and Bondarenko is a Ukrainian name, so she identifies very strongly.

Speaker A

Her dad came over as a refugee after World War II, and her mother was born in Poland and came over one generation earlier.

Speaker A

So we identify with Poland and the Ukrainian area really strongly.

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So when the war started, that was a big deal for us, and we paid a lot of attention.

Speaker A

Now, for those people that that happened to, they didn't ask for a war.

Speaker A

They didn't say, russia, will you come and invade us?

Speaker A

We need some misery.

Speaker A

That kind of stuff happens in Israel.

Speaker A

There's another war going on, and there's people on all sides of that claiming cruelty and so forth.

Speaker A

But the truth is, nobody asks to be kidnapped.

Speaker A

Nobody asks to be tortured, hurt, bombed, attacked, stolen from title theft, house robbed, car robbed, beat up, get sick.

Speaker A

Nobody asks for that.

Speaker A

And it happens to all of us.

Speaker A

Sometimes it seems like life is a lot more of it than others, right?

Speaker A

But it happens.

Speaker A

So the question is, how does that line up with ultimate life?

Speaker A

How does that line How?

Speaker A

How is that fair?

Speaker A

How is that okay?

Speaker A

And the answer is, life was designed to be hard.

Speaker A

So we would be able to see.

Speaker A

We would be able to see what we do with those circumstances.

Speaker A

We came from a divine place.

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We're trying to learn to become like our heavenly parents.

Speaker A

You know, we were sent down here with a mission and purpose and gifts and talents and intuition and inspiration and agency.

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The right to choose.

Speaker A

And when we make stupid choices, consequences come.

Speaker A

When we make good choices, consequences come.

Speaker A

Good consequences, more difficult consequences.

Speaker A

Often when you or I go through something hard and we come out on the other side, we get through it.

Speaker A

We tough it out, we learn some things, we keep our chin up, we, you know, create some resilience, and we get through it.

Speaker A

You know as well as I do, people tell those stories.

Speaker A

You know, I learned.

Speaker A

And they talk just like that.

Speaker A

I learned that, you know, this too shall pass.

Speaker A

I learned there's always dawn after the dark.

Speaker A

And, you know, it turned out to be one of the best things that could have happened to me.

Speaker A

At the time, I thought it was horrible.

Speaker A

The bankruptcy or the betrayal or the divorce or whatever it is, I thought it was horrible.

Speaker A

But, you know, now that I look back, how many times have you said that or have you heard people say it?

Speaker A

All right, so that is the plan of our lives.

Speaker A

And we, you, me, all of us, we're set out on that plan to do the best we can and to create as much good as we can do.

Speaker A

Now, I've done a bunch of other episodes about adding good to the world and so forth, and I want to encourage you to do that.

Speaker A

And when I just.

Speaker A

The 3, 50, 52 and 54.

Speaker A

9:52, whatever.

Speaker A

9:59, 52 and 9:54, they were episodes about my message and my desire to help you with your message, my methods and my desire to help you with your methods and the mast that I have and the desire to help you with mastering yourself and your own mission and message.

Speaker A

That's all I do as a coach.

Speaker A

My 300 million is to help that.

Speaker A

So in that context, today is called what an Adventure.

Speaker A

Why would I name it what an Adventure?

Speaker A

Well, I'll tell you.

Speaker A

The election just happened in the United States here a couple of months ago.

Speaker A

And for some, it was a surprising outcome.

Speaker A

For others, it went as expected.

Speaker A

Presidents in the U.S.

Speaker A

now I'm in Canada, and they do it kind of here with the Canadian prime Minister also.

Speaker A

And maybe they do it in other countries, too.

Speaker A

100 days sort of marks a, you know, hallmark 100 days.

Speaker A

What did you do in the first hundred days?

Speaker A

Look what we got done in a hundred days.

Speaker A

So I created the adventure of 100 days.

Speaker A

The adventure of 100 days.

Speaker A

Now what is my adventure?

Speaker A

Well, in the Hobbit, you know, Gandalf went and got Bilbo, and they went on an unexpected journey, you know, through all that craziness and all of the things that happened there.

Speaker A

That was an unexpected journey.

Speaker A

And a lot of things happened.

Speaker A

They came back wiser and full of stories and all kinds of stuff.

Speaker A

So I expect that on my adventures.

Speaker A

Now, I'll tell you what my quest is.

Speaker A

I have a quest.

Speaker A

I have one year from October 14th, so my first quarter is nearly over one year to reach 300 million people.

Speaker A

That means through podcasts, through LA Talk Radio, through being on other people's shows, through coaching, through speaking at events.

Speaker A

And I speak at a lot of them.

Speaker A

I'm going somewhere in a week and a half, and then I'm going two weeks after that.

Speaker A

I'm going to speak at another event.

Speaker A

So that happens a lot.

Speaker A

I get asked to speak, and I do that on purpose.

Speaker A


Speaker A

Because I'm trying to reach 300 million people.

Speaker A

Part of my 300 million is your audience.

Speaker A

Not because they need to hear my message, but your audience needs to hear you, which is why in every episode, I invite you to get ahold of me to see if you want to be a guest.

Speaker A

Do you have a story?

Speaker A

Do you have a message?

Speaker A

Have you been through one of those hardships and trials that has taught you something?

Speaker A

So you're like, you know, I can really help if you are and you want to, let's talk.

Speaker A

We'll see if it's a fit.

Speaker A

It's all about ultimate life, resilience, growth, possibility, creation, and all the rest.

Speaker A

All right, so my adventure of 100 days started January 7, which was a few days ago.

Speaker A

As I record this, and I'm recording this in January, you're not going to see it until March.

Speaker A

So by the time this gets to you, it'll be five months already.

Speaker A

But I'll give you the dates.

Speaker A

I'm going to run three chapters of the Adventure of 100 Days.

Speaker A

And the first chapter runs from January 7 to April 16.

Speaker A

Chapter two runs from April 16 to July 26.

Speaker A

And chapter three runs from July 26 to November 5.

Speaker A

Now, I recognize November 5 is a little past my end of year of October 14, but I don't care.

Speaker A

We'll just call it good.

Speaker A

So I've got three chapters of this adventure, and here's what I'm gonna do.

Speaker A

I'm gonna have as much fun as I can, and I invite you to come with me.

Speaker A

I'm going to write another book.

Speaker A

That book is called Masterpiece, and it's about how to intentionally create a masterpiece out of your own life.

Speaker A

You know, we know about masterpieces, Michelangelo and da Vinci and, you know, Donatello and all kinds of other medieval artists, painters and so forth.

Speaker A

And craftsmen and artists today create masterpieces, right?

Speaker A

They do so on purpose.

Speaker A

They don't say, I'm going to create my life's masterpiece, but they intend and they go out to create something as good as they can possibly do it.

Speaker A

You know the story about Michelangelo staring at the marble, right when he was getting ready to carve the David.

Speaker A

And he stood there, or sat there for weeks, I guess, and just looking at the marble all day and somebody said, aren't you supposed to be working?

Speaker A

And he said, I am.

Speaker A

He said, I finally get something like this.

Speaker A

I'm paraphrasing it, but I get where I can see the statue and then I remove all the marble that doesn't need to be there.

Speaker A

So your and my life is partly about skill development, partly about removing the stuff that doesn't need to be there.

Speaker A

And heaven knows we've all got plenty of that.

Speaker A

Habits, actions, thoughts, behaviors, false beliefs, limiting things that don't need to be there.

Speaker A

Grudges we might be carrying, self loathing.

Speaker A

If we're angry at ourselves for something, or shameful.

Speaker A

We have all kinds of stuff to lose, like the excess marble.

Speaker A

We have all kinds of habits and skills and practices to develop if we're going to have a masterpiece.

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There's no question about that.

Speaker A

Now, that is not to say you run around and think that you're not okay, you're perfect where you are right now.

Speaker A

But I don't know very many people that want to exactly stay right where they are right now with nothing different.

Speaker A

You might, and that's fabulous.

Speaker A

And if you're in that position, then what we owe is as much service as we can give, as much love as we can bestow, as much help.

Speaker A

And we all yearn to do that anyway.

Speaker A

We're built physically and spiritually to love and to serve each other.

Speaker A

You know that.

Speaker A

I know that.

Speaker A

We feel it.

Speaker A

We feel so good when we're adding good to the world.

Speaker A

You know the little phrase I use?

Speaker A

So my three chapters of adventure of 100 days.

Speaker A

Here's what we're going to do.

Speaker A

We're going to make it fun.

Speaker A

I'm going to report every day or every other day about what I did that day to reach 300 million.

Speaker A

I'm going to invite you every day to come along.

Speaker A

Here's how you can help if you want to.

Speaker A

And I'll tell you, well, here's how you can help.

Speaker A

And then I'll tell you why you might want to help.

Speaker A

How you can help is to share.

Speaker A

So if you share this podcast, if you need.

Speaker A

If you know someone that needs to be loved, that needs to be lifted up, that needs to be told how great they are, share the podcast.

Speaker A

Because you are great.

Speaker A

They are great.

Speaker A

You will be a great friend by sharing them encouragement and love of your own.

Speaker A

And if you feel moved, share the message, share the podcast.

Speaker A

You'll help me, you'll help them, and you'll help yourself.

Speaker A

When we lift and bless others, we're lifting and blessing ourselves.

Speaker A

I have a friend who said I'm selfish and he starts talks that way when he speaks at seminars.

Speaker A

I'm totally selfish because even when I do something for somebody else, it's for me because I feel good.

Speaker A

That's true.

Speaker A

And we can't get away from that, nor should we try.

Speaker A

We are built to do that even when we make great sacrifices.

Speaker A

Like right now in California, we've just had these terrible wildfires.

Speaker A

They're not even out yet.

Speaker A

There are people that are staying up with no or very little sleep day after day.

Speaker A

Firefighters, medical people, first responders, people moving supplies and clothes and food, providing shelter.

Speaker A

And you know what?

Speaker A

Not only are they serving, there becomes more of them.

Speaker A

You and I, our souls grow when we serve.

Speaker A

Taking the opportunity to love and serve is what we're built to do and when we're happiest.

Speaker A

I've noticed in my life when I'm all about me, what I want, my stuff, my money, my coolness, that's when I'm most miserable.

Speaker A

When I get outside that box and I say I'm going to love and create things and serve for others, I feel better, I'm more excited, I'm alive.

Speaker A

I feel like my breath is lighter, my breast is lighter, my head is lighter, my heart is on fire.

Speaker A

So you and I, we can change the world.

Speaker A

My adventure of 100 days, this first one, is I have a goal.

Speaker A

I'm going to reach 40 of them, 40 of my 300 million in this first set, this first adventure, first chapter, and then in the second chapter, I'm going to reach 80.

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And then in the third chapter, it's going to be 180.

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My expectation is that the curve gets a little exponential and 40 plus 80 is 120 plus 180 is 300.

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So those are my goals and I'm asking for your help.

Speaker A

And you might say, why would I help you?

Speaker A

Well, let me tell you what I'm doing and then you can see if it resonates.

Speaker A

I am out to tell each person with certainty and confidence and love how great they are no matter where they've been and what's come before, no matter how many people have told you otherwise.

Speaker A

You're a divine being.

Speaker A

You're beautiful, you're capable, and I love you even if nobody else does.

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That's part of the message.

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More than just being loved, you know, you need to know you.

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You're worthy, you're capable, you're a divine being.

Speaker A

You have infinite creative possibility.

Speaker A

You own your life, and you're sovereign.

Speaker A

The problem comes that most people won't take that sovereign control over their lives, so they let other people.

Speaker A

If we don't control our lives, guess what?

Speaker A

People will rush in to do that.

Speaker A

So how.

Speaker A

I need your help.

Speaker A

Share the podcast.

Speaker A

Come and be a guest.

Speaker A

Send other people that you think have a story, have a mission, have a message.

Speaker A

Other authors, consultants, coaches, visionaries, or just regular people.

Speaker A

I had a guest not too long ago, and he was a business owner in his town.

Speaker A

But you know what he was doing?

Speaker A

He was all about helping the homeless in his area.

Speaker A

He wasn't trying to change the world.

Speaker A

He was making his neighborhood and his little town better.

Speaker A

Well, that's a perfect candidate.

Speaker A

Stories of resilience, stories of service, stories of growth.

Speaker A

You can help me by sharing those, by recommending guests, by coming, if you have a story and a message yourself.

Speaker A

So the reason you would want to.

Speaker A

So that's what you can do.

Speaker A

The reason you would want to.

Speaker A

Well, who doesn't want to bless the world?

Speaker A

Because the more people you and I can reach, the more people you and I can love, the more people you and I can make feel worthy and worthwhile.

Speaker A

Aren't we doing good?

Speaker A

Doesn't that feel good?

Speaker A

How do you feel when someone says, you are awesome?

Speaker A

That was beautiful.

Speaker A

Thank you.

Speaker A

Well, what if we do that more?

Speaker A

I'm telling you right now, you're awesome.

Speaker A

I don't even know you.

Speaker A

You're not here.

Speaker A

I might know you.

Speaker A

Many of you I might know, but I might not know you.

Speaker A

Someone may have shared this with you.

Speaker A

If you've never heard of me before.

Speaker A

I still love you.

Speaker A

I don't need to have met you.

Speaker A

People hate each other without introduction all the time.

Speaker A

I can love you, and I do.

Speaker A

I believe in your divinity and your capability.

Speaker A

Now you may say, well, I haven't done anything with it up to now.

Speaker A

Okay, that may be true, and I'm not even going to argue with you because I don't know.

Speaker A

What I do know is you can change that right here, right now, and make tomorrow or the next hour even.

Speaker A

Be one where you even pivot a little, you know?

Speaker A

When I changed, I went from being all the negative things that I had been in my life.

Speaker A

I had a divine sort of invitation that was really noisy and scary in 2007.

Speaker A

I couldn't change all at once.

Speaker A

Nobody can.

Speaker A

I made a commitment all at once.

Speaker A

I made a fist thumping, table pounding commitment.

Speaker A

I was going to be different and I set out to do it and made lots of mistakes.

Speaker A

One of the things I love to say is, those who dare greatly fail greatly, so carry a big blanket of forgiveness.

Speaker A

Now, this picture, this dude, his bronze dude, by me, this building is in Australia, in Sydney somewhere.

Speaker A

And I've forgotten what it is, but it's an important civic building and it was from, you know, 100 years ago, more toward the founding of the Australia.

Speaker A

And this particular person, they made a bronze bust or statue of him because he dared greatly.

Speaker A

He was being honored.

Speaker A

He did some stuff.

Speaker A

You are that maybe they'll never build a me or you a statue.

Speaker A

But you know what?

Speaker A

You're going to be a hero in somebody's heart.

Speaker A

Your kids, your friends, your spouses.

Speaker A

You're going to be that if you choose to.

Speaker A

It doesn't mean we have to donate a billion dollars or build a building or do anything else.

Speaker A

It means we have to be committed to loving.

Speaker A

It means we have to be committed to changing and doing what we can do now.

Speaker A

If my circumstances like I'm building a big company.

Speaker A

I'm building a big company to train people, to help people write books, to help people create their products, to help people with their marketing, to reach the world and make a difference.

Speaker A

But maybe what if I wasn't doing that?

Speaker A

I could love and serve in all kinds of ways.

Speaker A

I'm the organist in my church.

Speaker A

I help with the choir.

Speaker A

Last year I was volunteering in the youth program.

Speaker A

I did that for a couple of years.

Speaker A

So there's all kinds of ways for us to love and serve and all of them don't have to get to a bronze statue.

Speaker A

So my adventure of 100 days is about declaring I'm going to reach 40 million people by guess what?

Speaker A

By April 16th.

Speaker A

That's what it is.

Speaker A

40 million by April 16th.

Speaker A

And I'm going to keep updating.

Speaker A

I'll give you these updates every day or every other day.

Speaker A

They'll be on my Facebook page or on my Facebook profile, which is Kellen Fluekegger, personal achievement Coach.

Speaker A

I have a book page, Kellen Flueciger Books.

Speaker A

And I have a page about depression called Tightrope of depression.

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And that's because that was the biggest.

Speaker A

The problem that I had that led to many difficulties, the mental illness and struggle with that for decades.

Speaker A

And it trashed my life.

Speaker A

So I share there.

Speaker A

I share it on LinkedIn, I share it on YouTube.

Speaker A

Ultimate Life Formula.

Speaker A

Ultimate Life Formula.

Speaker A

Go there, subscribe.

Speaker A

That way you can help me reach more people.

Speaker A

You can hit the YouTube algorithm.

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Speaker A

Here's the thing.

Speaker A

This isn't just a plea for your help.

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This is an offer of help.

Speaker A

Because I'm going to do whatever it takes to reach my 300 million people.

Speaker A

I'm going to keep at it and keep at it and keep at it.

Speaker A

Because I have learned that perseverance, staying with it, no matter how deep the marsh or how steep the climb, is the way to get home.

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To get all the way around the bases, to get to your goal, to get over the goal line, however you want to describe, takes perseverance.

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Because remember this, life was built to be tough.

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Sometimes I think too tough, sometimes it's hard.

Speaker A

But I'm going to do it anyway.

Speaker A

And I'm.

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Speaker A

So that's my adventure now.

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When the Hobbit guys went on their adventure, it was tough.

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There were, you know, all kinds of things.

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You know, the story.

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All the difficulties, and they ended up with the big dragon and, you know, destroying the city almost and all of those things, that was part of that adventure.

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Holy cow.

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But they made it.

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And here's what I know about you.

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You have the strength to make it.

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You have the skill to make it.

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What I also know is not alone.

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They didn't go alone.

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I'm not going alone.

Speaker A

You can't go alone.

Speaker A

When we go alone, we go.

Speaker A

We get stuck a thousand times.

Speaker A

You know, there's a saying.

Speaker A

If you want to go fast, go alone.

Speaker A

If you want to go far, go together.

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I don't remember who said that, but I'm a together person.

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Because even when you go fast, you stumble and you fall.

Speaker A

When you're alone, you get discouraged, you get discombobulated, you get frustrated, things push back and it's like, oh, maybe this is wrong.

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Believe me, I've done that.

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I can't tell you how many times.

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And I've also talked to every single client I've ever had, has said at one time or another, maybe this isn't for me.

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Maybe I shouldn't do this.

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Maybe I'm not cut out for that.

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When somewhere deep in their heart, 15 minutes ago, last week, last month, last year, they knew it was true.

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Now, we might have to make detours, and I'm going to share those all with you.

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So this is just not about the victories.

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This is going to be about the detours, the pitfalls, the times I fall on my face, make mistakes and have to backtrack, do a U turn.

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If you're thinking about the Amazing Race, people, and there's going to be peaks, there's going to be valleys, there's going to be landmarks, and I'm going to have just as much fun as I possibly can and I'm going to share it with you.

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So I'm having fun already with this background of this bronze dude.

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Now, I took that picture when we were in Australia in 2017, so that's several years ago now.

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And I've forgotten who that was eight years ago, and I don't remember, but I do remember I took it because it was some landmark with somebody who did what dared greatly.

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Now, I'm committed to you.

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I'm committed to 300 million of you.

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I'm committed to help you every way I can.

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I'm committed to lift you, lift you, to bless you, to encourage you, to love you.

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Everything that I'm able to do.

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I don't have a magic wand, but I got a lot of tools, I got a lot of experience, and so do you, quite frankly.

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What I notice with most folks is they're scared.

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They're scared to be embarrassed, they're scared to fail, they're scared to put themselves out there.

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We don't.

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I'm doing it.

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I put myself out here.

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40 million.

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That's where I'm going between now and April 16th.

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That's it.

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I'm going to do that.

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And you can hold me accountable.

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I'm going to do everything that I can think of and I'm inviting your help to help me think of new things.

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What am I not thinking of?

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What am I not doing?

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To get the message of your divinity, your capability and your possibility to you and do it in such a way that it just fills up your heart with fire, that it makes you believe and know that you're destined for greatness.

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You're destined for the ultimate life purpose, prosperity and joy.

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Now, I talked a lot about morning rituals or daily creation processes, and I have, because that's the tool that I've learned that I use every single day that helps me create myself.

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So that I can do the best job in my quest.

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Right now, if I'm in a.

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If I'm on a quest and I don't.

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You know, prepare myself every day.

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If I don't take some supplies and, you know, the regular things, it's going to be a short quest, right?

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If I don't pay attention and get focused and listen for clues and look for inspiration and guidance and trail signs and landmarks, I'm going to get lost and I'm not going to get it.

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The same is true for you.

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So I invite you to come with me.

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Come with me and let's have some fun.

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Let's have the joy that's going to happen as we succeed.

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Now, last of all, I want to do this.

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This isn't just about me.

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And I hope you know that.

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I'm hoping that my adventure of 100 days reaching 40 million people by April 16 is something that will inspire you to figure out what your quest is.

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What is your adventure?

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Join me.

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You know what I'd love?

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I'd love for you to write in the comments or tell me and I'll tell you how in a minute.

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What's your adventure by April 16th?

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Join me.

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Let's get something done that matters to you, that creates purpose, prosperity, cash and joy for you by April 16th.

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I'm available to help you if you want.

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And you know what?

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That becomes part of my adventure too.

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So I'd love to be part of yours.

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What is your adventure?

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So I'd like you to either put that in the comments.

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I'd like you to share this subscribe subscribe to the YouTube channel Ultimate Life Formula.

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I'm inviting you shamelessly because I'm giving everything I've got to lift you, to bless you and love you.

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Now, if you want to chat, if you want to tell me some ideas, if you want to share your story, if you want to maybe be a guest on one of the shows, go to the URL that's on the screen.

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Kellen Flueker Media K E L L A N F L U C K I G e r media kellenfluekegermedia.com Go there.

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There's a contact form.

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Reach out to me.

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I take all of those really seriously.

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I have a bunch of really exciting guests who've already taken me up on these invitations coming in the next weeks.

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Well, all these last few episodes have been some too, but I have a whole bunch lined up.

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I'm going to do at least one guest a week, and some weeks too.

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Why am I doing them?

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Because they're just like you.

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They got stories of resilience, of overcoming, of not giving up, of being smacked down and then standing up again of saying, I'm down, but I'm not out, right?

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You only die when you quit trying.

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You only fail when you don't stand up and go at it again.

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And why would we do that?

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You're a divine being.

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You're built to win.

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You're built to succeed.

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So am I.

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Let's win together.

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So I invite you along for the ride, for the rumble, for the joy, for the fun.

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Let's get to it and see how much we can change the world, even a little.

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Even if we made a tenth of a percent of difference with those around us.

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Do you know how fast that accumulates?

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10 days is 1%.

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100 days is 10%.

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A thousand days, which is only three years, that's a 100% change.

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It adds up so fast.

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And you are up for the challenge.

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You know how I know?

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Because I know where you came from.

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And every person I see and get a chance to look at in the eyes like this, I see your divinity your capability, your possibility.

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I say it again, I love you.

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I trust you.

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I believe in you.

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I'm asking for your stories.

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Share with me.

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Share with those you can share with and bless that are around you.

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Never quit.

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Never give up.

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Like when Winston Churchill Never, never, never surrender.

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Never surrender.

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When we surrender, we're done.

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It's over.

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We quit.

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I'm reminded of that scene, I think I mentioned it last episode a couple episodes ago in the Hobbit where they were in Helm's Deep and the orcs had taken the fortress all on the outside and there was just those great doors from the inner sanctum and they were banging on it with a ram.

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And the king, Theoden, said, up.

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We're done.

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Fortress has fallen.

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Aragorn said to him, your men died protecting this thing.

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We're not done yet.

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And then they suggested.

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He suggested they ride out together.

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And they did.

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And then Gandalf came with the Rohirrim over the hill and all was well.

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Maybe you haven't seen it.

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I don't know.

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I've seen it a bunch of times.

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The point is simply this.

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It's never too late unless you let it be too late.

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It's never impossible unless you don't try.

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It's never hopeless because you are amazing.

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Because you are powerful.

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I am here to help you if you want it.

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I love you.

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I support you.

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And I know without any question or hesitation that you can create right here, right now and live every day a life of purpose.

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A life of prosperity.

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Not just with cash, but prosperity across everything.

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And a life of joy.

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You know, I call that your ultimate life.

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Never hold back and you'll never ask why.

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Open your heart.

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And this time around, right here, right now, your opportunity for massive growth is right in front of you.

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Every episode gives you practical tips and practices that will change everything.

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If you want to know more, go to kellenfluecigermedia.com if you want more free tools, go here.

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Your Ultimate Life.

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Subscribe Share.