Welcome to Your Ultimate Life Podcast with Kellan Fluckiger
Finding a Cause, #671
Finding a Cause, #671
In this episode, we talk more about where you can add good to the world. There are seemingly infinite calls for money, volunteers, and help…
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May 6, 2022

Finding a Cause, #671

In this episode, we talk more about where you can add good to the world. There are seemingly infinite calls for money, volunteers, and help. Daily on TV, you see 30 such please for animals, the sick, children, veterans, the hungry, the war in Ukraine, and every other possible need. What can you really do?

It’s clear you can’t do everything. It’s easy to be jaded and do nothing. We are meant to love and serve each other. If you want peace, then pick those things that call to you. Ignore the self-centered yearning. Look at what you can really do to make even a small difference. Lean in and do all you can. My wife Joy loves animals, so she is always finding things to do there. She is Ukrainian so we are helping there. 

Connect with Kellan on social media at: 

Facebook: www.facebook.com/kellan.fluckiger3

YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/ultimatelifeformula

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kellan.fluckiger/

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/kellanfluckiger

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/kellanfluckiger


You can find out more about Kellan and how he can help you achieve your ultimate life by checking out his website: 


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